With a total of 25 employees, we have a high degree of flexibility, which ensures that you can get your problem seen quickly.

We strive to ensure that the effect of your treatment is quick and lasting by always performing a full body examination regardless of the problem.

If you have any questions, you can call and talk to a chiropractor in Odense or Sorø. You can also book online now by clicking the button above.

Call Sorø at: 57820005

Call Odense at: 66158283

What and who are chiropractic and chiropractors?

Meet the the therapists

in Sorø

Meet the the therapists

in Odense

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What we

do we treat?

Common questions for the chiropractor

Prices and subsidies

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Your body is a whole and should be treated as such

At Kiropraktor.com, we give you a quick and lasting solution to your symptoms by seeing and treating the body's mechanical problems as interrelated and interacting.

Treatment of children

The first visit

Headache & migraine

Nerve entrapment

‘'Growing pains' in adults

Running injuries

Carsten - Vores historie

Our history

Development and foundation of the clinic


Our vision

The clinic's unique holistic approach