Holism and Whole-Body Treatment

At Kiropraktor.com, we are known for our whole-body treatment, which can be described as ‘holistic’ because it is based on considering and treating the whole person, not just as a collection of separate parts. So, are we ‘holists’ -  and what does that mean?


We See the Woods for the Trees

Holism is a popular term in the health world. It is often encountered among alternative therapists, as they seek to meet the needs of frustrated patients who want to be seen and understood as whole persons. In the authorized part of the health world, only few will call themselves holists. Not because many don't want to, but rather because the overall amount of knowledge about the body has become so vast that most professionals must concentrate their efforts within a limited field.

Do we at Kiropraktor.com really believe that we practice holism? Yes, in fact we do. At least with the modification that we are holistic when it comes to the musculoskeletal system. More on that in a moment.

First, let's look at the three factors that can stress us humans. Psychological stress is the most well-known element, but poor chemistry and impaired physique are also factors that can stress the body. For chiropractors to truly call themselves holistic, they must be able to address the patient's psychological problems, understand their chemical status—often diet-related—and evaluate the body's physical condition. Not even the most skilled doctor, chiropractor, or alternative therapist can oversee all of this.

Therefore, a self-declared holist will most often only be able to cover either the physical, chemical, or psychological field.

Chiropractors handle patients' physical problems, specifically their joints and muscles. But can we then forget the chemical and psychological? No, certainly not. Our antennas are always out for signals indicating that parts of the patient's problem may relate to these fields, and we are ready to refer to other professionals who cover these issues.

Our mission at Kiropraktor.com is to try to be holists within the field known as the ‘musculoskeletal system’. If you come with, for example, a knee problem, we will of course examine and treat your knee. However, we see it in the context of the body as a whole — yes, in fact we examine all the body's joints, no matter how ‘geographically’ limited your complaints are. We look at – and treat - the whole person.

We have been working on our ‘whole-body technique’ or ‘holistic approach to the body’ for almost 40 years. We continuously train and improve this technique, and over the years we have achieved so many good results that we immodestly call ourselves HOLISTS.